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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Father Pavlovitch Karamazov

No head upon the Father of Lies,
Who, taking offense, plays the part of the martyred,
Sadly shedding dignity before his sons.
With vagrancy behind grotesque eyes
He teaches them how to pull a trigger,
End a lie, start a fire.
Nothing withheld from him but his own head,
Our Father is, by self-arrangement,
Passionately disturbed.
A kiss, then, is so unharmonious as to seal his fate,
Placed upon each boy’s neck,
Causing brothers to turn upon their own flesh,
Like ascetic bliss.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wolf Calls

The night air stirs.
Unexposed, I meet my universe.

The trees greet me in the moonlight.
They peer and whisper with the wind.
In its madness, the wind paints everything.
In the darkness of my imagination,
What courses, what causes moments
To gleam and never die,
There's a shaded sky,
The shifting of leaves,
And a mare on the rise.

I blush and know I exist,
Aging with these colors of green and gray.
I am of discussion, alive
In the phantom romance of the woods,
But the wolf calls for me.
In this siren, death approaches and I freeze.

This world of green, without path or marking,
Is drawn by instinct, pointing everywhere.
The wolf's eyes, ever-wide
Without sun or star to guide,
Yet I am found.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Say a word for all my children
That will never be.
Explain the use of rings and fingers
If I’m not bound to thee.

Your hands are portals, North and South,
And glacial to the touch.
I’m torn to poles, my body in half,
Unable to hold as much.

Now, apart, my mind, it shivers,
Feeling twice the freeze.
Every direction points to you
And covers all degrees.

I wilt over your bed, my love,
Pray that you might see
Within my eye reflections of
How still you are in me.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Seven Ways to Love from Several Distances

Hundreds of hungry acts to
Lead me to you, my darling
Flavor of sweet desire,
Grooming my mind as I sit,
Floating me off as I stand,
Leaving me without an out –
Letters dying to meet you.

Drifting to and from comfort,
My home or stabilized thoughts,
Pressure by flight, track or waves
In caves, clouds or thunder’s roar,
Your voice, like the wind, follows,
Flows and soothes my raging tone,
Packing my life into you.

Prayerfully dwelling on
My hand dripping with blue ink,
Bleeding out past poisons and
Promising pages for you
To soak up fears in your heart,
Take this to your quiet place
And knock with faith upon faith.

Winter standing over me
In the sightless state of doubt,
I lie helplessly, face down;
Carefully and with kindness
You tweeze out of me the thorn –
Radiance in your smile
Warming my extremities.

Aging, thinning of my pride,
Leaves with every fresh shower –
A shaving of youth, to rot
By bad blood or troubled tooth;
Your touch no less hesitant
Or longing eyes less potent
With patience, abounding love.

I fall apart knowing you
Are the catcher of my eye,
The progression of my song,
The fragrance of my day dream,
The stranger in the orchard,
The rest upon my pillow,
The subject of my poem.

Dryness and darkness linger
As mist blinding the mountains,
Laying, praying, pondering
Life, afterlife and the tomb;
Night comes soon, I barely see
How you tuck me in and sigh,
Tear in your eye shed for me.

Draw Deeply from the Wound

A stranger passing with slide of hand
Lingers upon my eyes stealing my heart
Yet somehow I miss nothing
But the touch of my plunderer’s palm

I reminisce in the twilight of the terrace
The memory of my confidence
Slips below these thoughts of romance
Like a tragedy leaving numbness and fatigue
Sleep knocks and is turned away

The mind so unkind works through the night
To breathe and think
And think to sleep
Become her world
Stars upon my pillow
I float off
Whisper to myself of love
Dream of her touch
And with a motion of her eyes
I am tossed to the sea

Monday, August 6, 2012

When We Touched the Mountain, There Was No Betrayal, No Soil, No Funeral

You were struck by lightning
And we saw through you.
You said you heard bells
And saw fire tying you to heaven.

Tears and ash smeared across
Your perplexed expression--
Light grey eyes looking back
Somewhere to escape.

The cypress creeked in the wind
As we climbed down the lime green cloud
With our hands lifted to the sky,
Hazel smoke on a sea of green.

The cactus and stones stretch,
Infinitely unthreatened,
And I cannot outlive their might.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Smell Memory

Because he pet the wolf
I reach out for the wild
And believe the breeze is never empty,
The maker, never tired.

A rush of nature against my flesh,
Whether dry or mistiness,
Wrinkles me a little more.
Seasons greet me, leave me for
Returning thoughts of lost rapport.

A light rain brings the sun to rest
And colors mix to blurriness.
Temperature shifts in the breeze,
Coating me with memories
Of muddy trails through silver trees.

The colors fade to black.
Weather breathes upon my back
Of past delights and missing parts,
Of lovely smells, in that I lack.

A day dream of my childhood
Moves me as a current would--
To distant places rotting fast--
Makes me wonder what will last.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


A pickle for your pocket
And the wine to whisk till turgid throfty.

The dismal spinning of your close night
Spent warm and drunken, alone by some fire.
A note, a light, a friend, a write,
I stir before the broken skylight.

By the road
I've followed my sorrow to its heart-blushed end.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Will He Nil He, He Goes

The tiger is drowned
As the trees bow down before
The hiss of the rain

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Swift Comparison with Little Explanation

Darkness covers the hand from the eye,
As lovers lie beside a world
Which lives in the voices that rise upon clouds
And hounds those who wander alone.
Sudden moon dazzles the blood, shining over
Shadowy trails, dividing, and the disquieted sole.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Year of Confusion (46 B.C.)

Jupiter casts his spell

over life to blossom,

sweetly imbued with beams

and mist from mystical crevices.

This calms us down,

his contortion towards the heavens,

causing the casual sleeve

to fall and bare a dying force,

arms pale with fear,

spotted in the spire light.

Staged in spring,

the incense smells

no better than the blood on the walls

or the dead of winter.

Our jesters gesture

to confuse the farmers,

their eyes tire from fields and skies,

for fine fair-fanfares feel

as if time were alive and wild,

kicking out of control.

In this new year, chronologists grin

despite the choice

that our Kingdom rejoice

while the cold destroys us all.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Far-gone Night: Dreams by Candlelight

Evenings dealing light aloft
Beyond our sight to stars so soft.
Fitting feelings 'tween the suns
Upon those dreams where passion runs.

Purple captured among the leaves,
Little lungs to hold the breeze.
Hanging deathly silent face,
Lifeless meadow, black in space.

Supernova, mystic steam
Upon the mind of those who dream.
Dawning drowning sleep with light.
One can keep what not in sight.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Conviction While Departing the Parish

This precious counting of moments,
as bud to bloom to blossom,
grows sweeter with every breath.
I am caught in love out of the corner of my eye.
Stupefied by beauty, the unfolding of our Farther,
I wander prayerfully in the night.

What eyes! To ponder the planets and stars within,
What grace! To sway in the winded momentum of words,
What harmonious aroma! To heal my senseless heart

And by such precious sentiment alone
does happiness sustain past the moment.
Flesh will fade and locks will grey,
but the smile that shines on and binds one to another
will forever satisfy in this restless endeavor of breath.

My heart faces the moon
And from a field of silent surrender
I hunger for that shining harmony,
when I return to you.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tripping on the Floor

Your scarf was on the floor,
waiting for your head.
Your ears were restless,
waiting for a sound to come again.

How dreary, thoughts of socks and paranoid eyes.
You thought of your face,
then mouthed the words to a song.
You thought you were alone.

Hunched over your knees with your head on the scarf,
you tried not to move.
Someone out there will love the way you howl in the cold.
Someone will study your eyes and noises
as you burn with a fever.
They will drape their hair over your skin and smile.

You held your breath in ecstasy, waiting,
as the phone came crashing to the floor,
ringing once with its last words.
Upon the window, the rain nodded off.
How graceful it is in its exhaustion.

A tired voice once read, pitter-patter on the pane.
So long, pitter-patter on the pane.
So long ago, you were afraid of death and painted faces.
You were blond and wore red socks in the rain.
You cried until dizzy with self-pity.

You were tingling all over, waiting in an accident,
grinning behind the ruin of your little world.
Now you were tripping on the floor.
Your socks were gray.

Your hands melted out of reverence for the buried few.
Hail Mary, hello, how are you?
Deeply, I breathe thine roses.
Deeply, I dove for the moon,
only to miss everything.