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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Silencing of Grim Demands (The One Where You Cut a Dead Man’s Face Off)

He lies still and his breathing dries,
Up into the air, cries and despair.
You forget what you are doing,
Where you are, what you did.
Your heart thumping, stops.
He parts, it drops.

His head in your hands,
You cover his ears,
Hide the truth
And fears of lost youth,
Silence grim demands.

Your breathing is frantic.
You’re struggling to stand,
So you kneel over where he lay,
Back and forth, you sway,
Holding your head as if the weight
Could turn the earth the other way.

Cold tears in the night air,
You take the weight home and into a chair
Of dizziness and blindness,
You sleep and you stare.

Like an animal hit by a car,
Helpless, amazed, wide eyes dazed,
Bleeding, as thoughts race into the distance,
Hiding as death is ushered in.

Waking up to the sun bringing noise
And noise taking peace,
Your mind contorted by the careless crease.
He lies still on the kitchen table.
You closer stand, inspecting a hand.
The fainting of the eyelids and tips of finger
Could not in the least bit, love, deter.

Turning from, spurning what fashes
Of such a beauty, foreign as ashes.
Wave-spirits ride through your shirtless side,
As cold as the night Skadi's[1] father died.

You open and close the cupboard doors,
Searching in darkness for yeast's loyal bride.
A jar of white flour and dampened cloth,
Fully to oust phantom Goths creeping in,
Upon his skin seeps discoloration.

Flour shrooms into the air
And helpless, stands,
As you cover with care
The eyelids and hands,
Silencing grim demands.

The little life that rose with flour
Fades and sours the reason that grows,
And now in prim rows, like tears ‘cross the nose,
You wash off the face.
Get a knife with reluctance.
He lies so peaceably,
Filled with expectancy.

Wiping your eyes, feeling your face
Cold as the knife and spirits which hover.
Writhing with strife and dryness all over,
You almost prefer bladeing yourself to relieve
A thought you conceived,
Then darkly weaved.
As logic leaves,
Fascination grieves.

Atop the table, then carefully straddle
As if he were the Serpent himself
And waking what lie, bound you to Hell.
Darkness befell face against face.
Now those lovely eyes
Are behind a disguise.

You look and look the wane’ed face,
Then place the blade on the temple,
Press, and simple, drag it ‘round
Under the chin to the other side again –
And then a softer shade.
The blood follows the blade.

The trail leaves you weak.
Death was sheik and hid behind jail –
A bloodless, pale lore.
Now a few times more
Around before
You've unhinged the door,
Pealing back the skin,
Looking from within.

The eyes are red and restless, bare.
You turn off the light, staring in fright
As the bestial creature glares past present sight
And future existence, leaving reason and oblation
To instance oblivion's indignation.

In a gasp, horror falls through you,
Beyond the darkest cells of dementia.
The body rises with screams from inside.
Voices clash and deepen, hide.
Laughter sent higher, into the head,
Moans as a wench is monstrously wed.

The eyes, the eyes ever-open, alive
With fiery scorn for the steady knife.
You watch as he coils, withholding aggression,
Thrashes loose in anguish of possession.

You hesitate, are caught by the sleeve,
Wrenching away in a horrifying heave.
The eyes frying, holding you in,
You lunge back, violently tearing at the skin.
He catches fire and darkness thins.

You fall to your knees and helpless, freeze.
Lines drawn across your chest with ease,
A cold-blooded claw reaches into your guts
And up toward the heart, under ribs it cuts.
You shiver like it all has stopped
Or soul has dropped into darkness.

[1] Skadi is the anglicized version of SkaĆ°i, a Norse goddess who is believed to have brought the wrath of winter as a result of her father’s death.